Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Magic moments, there were many...

Those who know me well know I can be quite annoyingly evangelistic about the Scottish foursome whose brief chart heyday was almost 40 years ago. Pilot seemed quite out-of-time, even at their height, adept at writing literate, finely crafted pop tunes which, while often borrowing from some lofty sources (The Beatles, Queen, The Beach Boys), managed to sound unique.

There are few examples of the band playing live, but hearing this BBC version of 'You're Devotion' (from Second Flight) many years ago (via some pre-internet fan CD swapping) only served to further fuel my frustration at having been but a toddler at the time the band were tearing it up on stage. In keeping with the sly lyrical change from 'come creep with me' to 'sleep with me', this rendition has quite the indecent swagger to it. And has Ian Bairnson ever been behind a bad solo?

Luckily for us, a tremendous performance was preserved. Over to Alan Black...

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